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#वास्तु शास्त्र और कोविड-19#E Vastu Delhi NCR#E Vastu Mumbai#E Vastu Lucknow#E Vastu Kanpur#E Vastu

Updated: May 23, 2021

World is fighting a battle against COVID-19, a pandemic that is spreading like air. Coronavirus disease or Coronavirus outbreak is becoming a challenge for all the countries as there is no vaccine available to defeat this deadly virus. Many countries are under lock down due to COVID-19.

What is COVID -19?

Coronavirus, a newly discovered virus is the main cause of COVID-19 or Coronavirus disease. It is an infectious disease that spreads with human to human contact.

A Coronavirus infected person experiences respiratory illness as it majorly affects the respiratory system. This situation can be mild to moderate in most of the people and does not require any special treatment. Whereas if the infected person is old or suffering from pre-existing health issues like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, cancer or any other serious illness can see fatal results.

The source of transmission from one person to another person is droplets of nose or saliva if an infected person coughs or sneezes. It then passes on to the next person so always take precautions while sneezing and coughing.

There is no vaccine available so far for Coronavirus and research is on-going. Coronavirus has entered in India and many cases are being observed everyday.

Symptoms of Coronavirus:

Coronavirus symptoms include:

• Fever

• Dry Cough

• Tiredness

Other Coronavirus symptoms include

• Runny Nose

• Sore Throat

• Nasal Congestion

• Aches and Pains

• High temperature on chest or back (while touching it feels hot)

• Continuous or repeated cough

• Nausea or diarrhoea

Although people with mild symptoms can recover without any treatment, they need to isolate themselves from others or quarantine themselves from the people who have low immunity or people with underlying serious diseases.

People with strong symptoms and underlying disease should consult a doctor and take proper treatment as it can be lethal since it affects the respiratory system and lungs.

Safety Measures to Stay Safe from Coronavirus:pt.deepak pandey

India is in the 2nd stage of the Corona outbreak and it is a crucial stage. To stop this situation to enter into the community stage, we need extra care and measures of prevention.

Coronavirus treatment is still unknown so safety is the only cure to fight against this invisible enemy. We can follow a few safety measures to prevent and slow down the spread of COVID-19. We still have vaccine or Coronavirus treatment so protection is the only way.

With following practice, you can prevent the Coronavirus infection:

• Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 30 sec to 1 minute.

• Clean your hands with alcohol based rub or sanitizer. Remember it should contain 60% alcohol.

• Do not touch your face repeatedly.

• While coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth or nose. You can arch your elbow to cover your mouth while coughing.

• If someone is sneezing or coughing around you, maintain at least 1 metre distance.

• Stay quarantine or at home if you feel any of the symptoms.

• If you smoke, then quit smoking or avoid smoking to strengthen your lungs.

• Avoid unnecessary travel.

• Keep Social distancing.

• Do not meet people who have traveled recently.

• Do not go in large groups or gatherings.

• Sanitize things that are brought from outside before using them.

• Strengthen your immunity to fight against disease.

• Do not go out in crowded places.

• Don’t let older people, children and people with underlying diseases to go outside

With these effective safety measures, we can control this pandemic and curtail the number of tolls.

Pt. Deepak Pandey Vaastu urges you to stay at home to stop the spread of this infectious virus and support the Government of India and the Prime Minister’s appeal of Social Distancing.

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